Dad, you've been there for me. And I haven't been a good daughter these last couple of years, but you've always been a great dad, and I'm sorry if I didn't make you feel that way. You were always kind, and I judged you harshly, and now I have a kid of my own, and I make endless mistakes. And you never stop smiling at me.


Maybe the universe is trying to show you to get back out there and start searching for Mr. Right instead of looking in the rearview mirror at Mr. Wrong.


I believe in TK's recovery with my whole heart.


Andrea: Why don't you tell me what's really bothering you?
Carlos: Honestly, I don't feel comfortable saying it out loud.
Andrea: Are you worried about the child not having a mother in its life, because I'm here for you, and so are your sisters. Carlos: I know you are. I'm not worried about who the mother will be. I'm worried about who is going to be the father and not TK.

Ma'am, this isn't a hotel. It's a no-tell motel. Believe me; you're not even the first wife who has come here looking for her cheating husband, not even this week.


Every night that I get to spend with you is a night worth celebrating.

TK [to Carlos]

Carlos: I know you're ready to be a father, and I have no doubt that you will be an amazing one, but I'm not so sure I'm there yet, or I ever will be. I just want to be honest with you and say that this may be the only child that we ever share together.
Carlos: OK?
TK: Ok.
Carlos: Really? You sure?
TK: Carlos, will you just take the yes?

Tommy: He wants to be a firefighter.
Judd: Did you call Grace?
Tommy: No. No, I see the way he idolizes you. It's not surprising, Judd. He's got a great role model.
Judd: He got a big blue-collar lunk who got another girl in trouble for a role model. This kid, Tommy, Wyatt, he's so intelligent. He can go out there in the world and really do something. He don't want to do that. He wants to throw it all away to become bumass Judd Jr, and I just don't want him to make the same mistakes I made.

Margaret: So the cancer just saved my life?
Tommy: I think those boys saved your life by pointing an arrow right at the problem.

Owen: I'm sorry you lost your cousin. But I don't want to lose you.
Mateo: Thanks, Cap.
Owen: You bet, son.

Grace: What?
Judd: I think you might be about the wisest woman I ever met.
Grace: OK, I'll try not to be offended by that, thanks.
Judd: And I also think you're going to be the finest grandma in these parts.
Grace: Excuse me? I know you didn't just call me grandma, I know you didn't.
Judd: You want granny, or mee maw or?
Grace: Keep on, Grandpa or you're going to be sleeping on that couch.

Mateo: I need to go to the police station.
Nancy: The police station, Why?
Mateo: I need to report a crime.
Owen: What crime?
Mateo: Vandalism, arson, I guess. It's what they arrested him for, but it was me.
Owen: Mateo, are you delirious or are you still drunk?
Mateo: Well, I'm not not drunk, but it's true. I burned down my school. It was me and these guys; I was 13. I was staying with my cousin and my family. They treated me so good, and I ruined their lives. They don't know it, but they need to know.
Owen: Mateo
Mateo: No, he didn't want me to get deported, so he said it was him. He went to juvie for me, and it changed him.

9-1-1: Lone Star Season 4 Quotes

TK: So you're married.
Carlos: In name only.
TK: To a woman.
Carlos: Back then, that was the only way you could do it.

Marjan: You bought a crotch rocket, Cap?
Owen: This isn't a crotch rocket; this is a classic cruising bike.