They're not hookers, they're adult film stars!


This is a little reserved for Naomi, unless she has some naked firemen jump out of those swans.


What made you think it would be okay to bring hookers to my party?


I have this great guy who can literally gloss over anything. Like when I practically killed Silver, I am so sorry for that by the way.


As Emily post might've said, when your homosexual best friend fathers your child, common etiquette dictates a suitable gift.


If I could survive getting hit by a semi truck, I think I can handle a kiss.

Dixon [to Adrianna]

Max it's our honeymoon, I'm not planning on wearing that much clothing.


As for me, I'm done with being the nice guy who finishes last.


If you think Max is hiding in a closet somewhere you obviously don't know Naomi Clark. The closets are packed.


Dixon was in a car accident Adrianna. He's in the hospital fighting for his life and the only thing he's asking for is you.


That must be why single women everywhere make babies with their gay friends from out of town.


I am holding out for a life with someone who cares about me, not some crazy lying bitch.


90210 Season 5 Quotes

I am holding out for a life with someone who cares about me, not some crazy lying bitch.


Max: Naomi Clark you promised me a wedding.
Naomi: Yes I did.
Max: Will you marry me?