Dancing has been this great way of pretending I was this sexy powerful woman who wasn't afraid of anything. I just wish it were true.


Some things you can't forgive and forgot.

Liam [to Navid]

Liam: She's not a bodyguard, she's from the studio to keep away the paparazzi.
Annie: From your body...by guarding it.

Okay I'm not cool with you and you being a we.

Dixon [to Annie and Riley]

After a week dodging questions about how my ass looks on youtube, a day at the fertility clinic sounds fun.


Well don't worry the world is full of teen moms and Kardashians who are just waiting to steal your thunder. It'll blow over soon.


After all of these years saying you'd never get into the family business, that's exactly what you've done.

Silver [to Navid]

Did you cut photos of me out of Tiger Beat too?


I don't really have a gameplan because if I think too hard about what we're doing I'll feel really bad about it.


I can't even talk to him anymore, it's like he's running for douchebag of the year or something.

Silver [about Navid]

Don't worry you can keep the costume and elf his brains out later.


When you find a good guy, you need to put aside your doubts to make it work.


90210 Season 5 Quotes

I am holding out for a life with someone who cares about me, not some crazy lying bitch.


Max: Naomi Clark you promised me a wedding.
Naomi: Yes I did.
Max: Will you marry me?