Gary: Tell me. Where were you?
Sophie: I was with Peter.
Gary: Peter? Your guitar teacher?
Sophie: I think I messed up.

Peter: Ms. Dixon, what is your song about?
Sophie: It's about my dad. It's about how he left. It's about how he left without saying goodbye, and how he died before I became who I was gonna be, and how a part of me is afraid to become a new person because maybe secretly I think I'll run into him again, and if I do I want to make sure he recognizes me.
Peter: If you don't play that every single time you come on stage, then don't get on stage.

Rome: You should try to get some sleep.
Walter: The bed's really big without her.

Gary: Your guitar teacher had you wear a swimsuit during the lesson.
Sophie: Yes, but it was to help me build confidence.
Gary: And he filmed it.
Sophie: Yes, so I could see the progress. He's done it with other students and, you're obviously not going to get this.
Gary: No, no, no.
Sophie: I don't want to talk about it just leave.
Gary: I'm just trying to understand.
Sophie: Please just get out. Get OUT!

Eddie: Look, I am sure you've had your share of struggles, but we are not the same. For one, you chose to be a woman, I did not choose to be in this chair.
Jackie: Wow. So many mistakes with what you just said. What I chose was to be myself, so you were right, accidentally. But what I didn't choose was to be born in a man's body. All the pressure that you're facing to be the husband, and dad, and friend they think you should be, or even worse, you think you should be, you need to put that all aside because you're never going to be that guy. But maybe like me, there's a beautiful person inside. You just have to find her and let her out.

Maggie: You need a glass of water right now.
Regina: What?
Maggie: You need a glass of water right now.
Regina: I need another glass of water.
Gary: What do I do?
Maggie: I need you to go upstairs and give her space to talk to us.
Gary: Is she OK?
Maggie: No, she just doesn't know it yet.

Maggie: Did he touch you?
Sophie: No, he didn't touch me. He just touched himself, and then when he was done, he zipped up and said "great work today," and it was so strange. He just acted like nothing happened.

As much as a part of her knows that what he did was wrong, her brain is working overtime to try to make that not the case. Her entire future is riding in this. She gave up Harvard for her dream of music, and her teacher, a man who she looked up to and trusted, he knew that, he chose her. He knew that her dad died. He knew that her mom was away, and he knew that she couldn't lose anything else right now, so he groomed her. He used her history against her.
I'm going to kill him.
No, you're not. You're going to take all the anger that you're feeling right now and harness it to help Sophie through this.
Yeah, and then I'm going to kill him.


Gary: What?
Rome: Where are you?
Gary: I'm out.
Rome: Are you at Peter's house?
Gary: I'm out.
Rome: Gary, listen to me. This does not help Sophie. It doesn't.
Gary: Band of Dads, Rome. Band of Dads.

A Million Little Things Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Peter: Ms. Dixon, what is your song about?
Sophie: It's about my dad. It's about how he left. It's about how he left without saying goodbye, and how he died before I became who I was gonna be, and how a part of me is afraid to become a new person because maybe secretly I think I'll run into him again, and if I do I want to make sure he recognizes me.
Peter: If you don't play that every single time you come on stage, then don't get on stage.

Gary: Tell me. Where were you?
Sophie: I was with Peter.
Gary: Peter? Your guitar teacher?
Sophie: I think I messed up.