Gina: For 35 years of my life, I was so sure I didn't want to have kids, and now I don't know what my life would be without you, and the crazy thing is in a couple of months you're going off to college and I'm going to lose you.
Tyrell: Please, I may be going off the college, but you're never going to lose me.

Anna: I'm so sorry. I'm just so afraid to lose you.
Eddie: you're not going to lose me. We'll get you the help that you need.

Dr.: Unfortunately, you guys aren't pregnant. I'm sorry. I know it's disappointing, but I'm not worried, and you shouldn't be either. These things take time, and we know you guys can do it because you guys got pregnant last year.
Maggie: Um, technically, we didn't get pregnant last year. There's a very fertile guy across the pond who's responsible for that while we were broken up.
Gary: Brings a whole new meaning to British Invasion.

Val: I get it. You don't want your friends to know your mom was in prison.
Vallie: I don't want my friends to know you at all. That's why I told them you were dead.

Do you believe that you have a story to tell?


Tyrell: My mom broke the law, but she's not a bad person. You may not see that right now, but it's the same thing with your mom. She may have made a mistake, but she's a good person. I've seen it firsthand.
Vallie: It's not the same thing.
Tyrell: You're right about that, it's not, because my mom can never come back here again. I don't get a second chance with her, at least not in this country. I'd give anything for that.

Theo: Can I ask you a question?
Greta: Sure, anything.
Theo; What does Bipolar mean?

Greta: Does my being bipolar scare you?
Katherine: Yes. I lost a friend to suicide, and the statistics for people with bipolar are really scary.

That's why you're exactly what I need, someone who's patient, and reliable, and someone who makes me feel safe.


One day your mom and I won't be here, but you two will always have each other. The greatest gift we ever gave you two was each other. Don't forget that. Love, Dad.

Jon Letter

Sophie: I never had to worry about mom and Charlie because I knew that you were with them, but it wasn't fair of me to let you shoulder that whole thing alone.
Daniel: You were going through a lot, too.
Sophie: Yeah, but I'm good now. I was thinking, maybe I can talk to mom and talk her into letting you live with me.

I can't believe he's dead after we just ran into him.


A Million Little Things Season 4 Quotes

Eddie: Something happened last night. I got a call from the person who hit me.
Gary: What? What he say?
Eddie: She, I, uh, recorded as much if as I could.

Hey, it's me. I know we left things in a weird place earlier, and I'm sorry. The thing is after I got divorced. I promised myself that no matter who I dated, I wouldn't have another kid. But that was before I fell in love with you. The fact is I have watched you for months take care of two kids you have no relation to, and there was never a minute you didn't make them feel like they weren't your family. Gary, you have proven every day that you would be an incredible father. So if having kids is something you want, well, then I know the perfect three-bedroom we should make an offer on.

Darcy Voicemail