Halstead: You put your stepfather in a wheelchair?
Torres: No, I put him in a coma. Then he moved to a wheelchair. He was beating up my mom, and I did what a man needs to do.
Halstead: At 14. You ever hurt anyone else?
Torres: Yeah. No one who didn't deserve it.

Torres: My world ain't black and white. And I get you can't understand that.
Halstead: Try me.

Katherine: I'm worried about him relapsing?
Greta: Are you sure that that's the only reason you're upset? Because it seems like this is the first major decision without you since you've gotten divorced, and you're having a hard time letting go.

Before I beat up my stepdad, I called the police. Six times. And they didn't help. That's why I want to be a cop. And I'd be damn good at this job.


Dad, look at me; I'm not that little girl anymore. And honestly, for a while, it was really hard to deal with it. To come to terms with it. But who I am now is stronger than I have ever been, and I feel like every minute I spend wondering what could've gone differently gives him the power back. He doesn't deserve that. That's mine. Stop punishing yourself for something you don't deserve to be punished for. It's not your fault, and it's not mom's either.


Gary: I don't know if this needs to be said, but Eddie, do not have sex with Greta.
Greta: You must be Gary.

Sophie: It's just another reminder that life is short, and I don't have time to not have you in mine. I still don't like what you did, and I never will, but I care about you more than I am mad at you, and if you don't have cancer, I still reserve the right to be mad at you again.
Gary: That's fair. What if I do have cancer, and it's terminal? You just stay the word, and I will kill Peter.

Greta: I know how difficult it is to break the habit of taking care of someone. The first couple of weeks after Julia and I split, she texted me every night to make sure that I was taking my meds.
Katherine: But being bipolar and being an alcoholic are two different things.
Greta: You're right. But they are two things where we have to constantly prove to the world we have it under control, which is tough when the people that we love respond like you and Julia do. I'm in a good place. It seems like he is, too, but he'll never be able to prove it to you or himself if you never give him the chance.

There's a part of me that thinks if I act like my cancer will come back, it won't come back.


Trudy: He's either going to be a great cop...
Recruiter: Or we're hiring up a psycho.

Tyrell: Hey, I get it. I'm all about speaking truth to power, but have you thought about your friend Dre and what it could do to the black students who go there?
Rome: I'm doing this for those kids and the kids who came before me and after me so that they don't have to go through these things again. It's the right thing to do.

The truth is I left because your mother was having an affair.


A Million Little Things Season 4 Quotes

Eddie: Something happened last night. I got a call from the person who hit me.
Gary: What? What he say?
Eddie: She, I, uh, recorded as much if as I could.

Hey, it's me. I know we left things in a weird place earlier, and I'm sorry. The thing is after I got divorced. I promised myself that no matter who I dated, I wouldn't have another kid. But that was before I fell in love with you. The fact is I have watched you for months take care of two kids you have no relation to, and there was never a minute you didn't make them feel like they weren't your family. Gary, you have proven every day that you would be an incredible father. So if having kids is something you want, well, then I know the perfect three-bedroom we should make an offer on.

Darcy Voicemail