Janine: I really wanted to apologize for how things went down at Bone Town.
Maurice: You ever notice how people say they want to apologize instead of just apologizing? It’s wild.
Janine: Well, I’m sorry.
Maurice: It’s all good. Gregory told me not to pursue you, and I did anyway. So, I guess we’re both in our selfish eras.

Maurice: So, for clarity. You don’t think you were being selfish?
Janine: No.
Maurice: So it’s normal for you to invite a guy to his favorite barbecue restaurant just to break up with him in front of his friend who you kissed but didn’t actually date?
Janine: I didn’t think of it that way.

I’m okay. Really. I’m happy I put it out there and even if it didn’t go how I wanted. And Jacob was right. There’s some good stuff on the other side. It’s time to plant something new.


Barbara: I don't like this one bit; dropping in out of the blue, dancing on the same furniture as Ava. I got a bad feeling. And then her mother wants to drop that little tidbit about being late on her phone bill -- a convenient time to visit.
Melissa: Well, I smelled swindler the minute she walked in, that and a spicy citrusy aroma. She smelled really good actually.

Barbara: I think her mother is here to get that money!
Ava: Damn, that's cold.
Barbara: Thank you, Ava.
Ava: Note to self: New way to manipulate. Step 1: Have a daughter. Step 2: play the long game.

I just figured out where I know Janine's mom from -- the club. We have danced on the same tables. Cool people should have cool babies. It's just not right what happened to that woman.


Vanetta: Barbara, this is a family matter. I don't remember seeing you at any of the cookouts. You don't know me.
Barbara: You're right. I don't know you, but I know your daughter, and she will help you out at her own expense.
Vanetta: Yeah, well, I'm her mother, and I brought her into this world -- at mine.

Janine: I, for one, can't wait because I'm going on a girl trip.
Melissa: You mean, Girl's Trip?
Janine: No, girl trip -- singular.

Janine: How did you even get in? You don't have a visitor's badge.
Mom: Oh VIPs don't need badges, baby, we need refreshments -- I'm thirsty.

The key to never getting your ass beat? Knowing when someone can beat your ass.


Ava: Damn! America does have talent!
Jacob: Well, this is light work compared to the real Alchemy -- Black Girl Magic.
Ava: Boo! Shut up and do another trick.

Is that all you got? The cheap hand gimmicks? I've seen better at the boardwalk. I've seen a lot at the boardwalk.


Abbott Elementary Quotes

He fine. Can I have your fake brother's real number? I'd like to climb that family tree.


Student: Mr. Eddie, I accidentally brought my seed to my mouth and accidentally ate it.
Gregory: Well, let's think about it. Did you also swallow a wet paper towel?
Student: Yes
Gregory: Ok, let's go to the nurse.