Ava: Why don't those church ladies like you, Barb?
Barbara: I'm too modern for them. I'm not Christian enough for them.
Ava: All because you got a few piercings? If anybody can appreciate a few extra holes in their bodies, it's Jesus.

We haven't been happy for a long time, okay? I felt it, I think you felt it.


I love it here! It's like Cheers. Except nobody knows my name.


Remember, practicing is more important than your homework. And if any of your teachers disagree, I can and will fire them.


You know what? Your advice goes harder than that thang, Mrs. Howard.


Sometimes, big places make it hard to get small things done. So to find the answer, I had to get out of my office, stop filling out paperwork, and go out on my own.


You don't get to choose the parents or stepparents of the children that you teach. But they say it takes a village. And sometimes there's a Tariq in your village.


Jacob: Wait, wait, hold on. Are you saying that in their free time, these kids are voluntarily choosing to come into your classroom?"
Gregory: You're beginning to understand the gravity of the situation now.
Jacob: Oh my God! Don't you see?
Gregory: See what?
Jacob: Gregory...you're the cool teacher!

Gregory: I miss this. Just chatting about our days.
Janine: Oh my God, me too. So much.

Anybody can execute under perfect circumstances. You know how to improvise.


Gary: I'm okay. I'll be alright. Even though I feel like a zero right now.
Melissa: Oh honey, you're not a zero. You're a Philly eleven.

Ava: J, since we only have but so much time together, I was wondering...what do you dream about at night?
Jalen Hurts: That I'm the prince of the underwater kingdom of Atlantis.

Abbott Elementary Quotes

He fine. Can I have your fake brother's real number? I'd like to climb that family tree.


Student: Mr. Eddie, I accidentally brought my seed to my mouth and accidentally ate it.
Gregory: Well, let's think about it. Did you also swallow a wet paper towel?
Student: Yes
Gregory: Ok, let's go to the nurse.