John: I can feel Mom here, can't you?
Danny: No!
John: She doesn't want this for you, Danny. She wants you happy.

Danny: You're lying. You hated Chester. You did this. You killed him--
John: That's enough!
Danny: Like you killed my mom.

Danny: No,I told you. I’m not doing this
Lawyer: Its just a conversation. They’ll ask you some questions
Danny: They’ll use these answers against me so you can put me in a mental hospital. I’m not crazy. how many times do I have to have this conversation. I’m not.

Leanna: Death tourist.
Danny: Death tourist?
Leanna: Yeah, someone whose life is so easy that they, like, glom on to other people's tragedies for a hit of actual emotion.

Danny, no one wants to see you get hurt. They don’t. If you don’t change your mind, I have to go up there and tell everyone you’re crazy. I don’t want to do that to you.I don’t. I can’t.


Allison: The police are on the way.
Dad: Did you tell them he’s a kid???

Leanna: Why would this lady want to hurt you?
Danny: She’s crazy. She’s messed up! She’s evil!

Danny: Do you think I made this up?
Dad: I know it felt real.

In my line of work, I spend a lot of time with families. I’ve just never really been a part of one.


Her job is to help people die. And now she's boning the grieving husband.

Accused Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

In my line of work, I spend a lot of time with families. I’ve just never really been a part of one.


Her job is to help people die. And now she's boning the grieving husband.
