Aaliyah: It's ok.
Esme: No, it's not. That's why I moved here to get away from that. Can we just? I really want to go home.

Esme: Do you really think this is healthy? Trolling the internet as a white supremacist? Sweetie, you've been at this for a week now and it's driving you crazy.
Aaliyah: No, the fact that our friend Jordan is in a body cast and may never walk again is driving me crazy.

88: What's a girl like you doing here?
Esme: Making a living.
88: Yeah, but how do you stand it? The smell of them walking down the street -- they leave a residue.
Esme: It's brown, flush it down, right? My daddy had that on his bumper, back when we were allowed to have free speech.

Esme: There was blood all over the street. And you know what I did? Nothing. I just watched.
Aaliyah: You were a kid.
Esme: But I'm not anymore.

Esme: My whole life, I thought I was brave for getting out. But I wasn't. I was always just running scared. Always. I'm sick of it. I love you. I need to go.
Aaliyah: Please don't go.
Esme: I need to go. I'm sorry.

I don't mind the blacks, I love them... as long as they're in Africa. The Mexicans in Mexico and the Jews in Israel. Let them have their so-called cultures. Just don't come here and mess up ours. Now suddenly, we're the terrorists? We're the illegals?


Aaliyah: You don't have to do this. You don't! You left these people when you were 15 -- you got on a bus to New York -- didn't know anyone in New York, and by some miracle, you found me. You left all of this stuff behind and then I pushed you back into it.
Esme: You didn't push me back into it. It never left me.

Is there an emoji for race traitor? There should be.


Accused Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Esme: Do you really think this is healthy? Trolling the internet as a white supremacist? Sweetie, you've been at this for a week now and it's driving you crazy.
Aaliyah: No, the fact that our friend Jordan is in a body cast and may never walk again is driving me crazy.

Aaliyah: It's ok.
Esme: No, it's not. That's why I moved here to get away from that. Can we just? I really want to go home.