Girl: Honestly, all I want is a nice guy who can make me laugh. I don't care about anything else.
Samir: Women always say that, but it's crap. You don't want nice. You don't even see nice. You just want flashy guys who treat you badly and buy you things like your ex, right?

Mrs. Khalil: You know, the doctor didn't even come into the office today. He had me push all his patients into a three-day week, and he's making just as much money
Samir: Must be nice
Mrs. Khalil: I know we always said you would be a surgeon because you have such beautiful hands. But maybe you should consider dermatology. Most of the procedures take less than two minutes, and there's none of that hassle with insurance.

He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. At least, that's what I thought. Maybe I pushed him too hard. Maybe it's my fault.

Mrs. Khalil

Mrs. Khalil: I brought you to this country. I sacrificed my life so that you could throw yours away?
Samir: I'm not throwing it away.
Mrs. Khalil: What are you doing?
Samir: I'm living it!

Accused Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Mrs. Khalil: I brought you to this country. I sacrificed my life so that you could throw yours away?
Samir: I'm not throwing it away.
Mrs. Khalil: What are you doing?
Samir: I'm living it!

He wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. At least, that's what I thought. Maybe I pushed him too hard. Maybe it's my fault.

Mrs. Khalil