Ward: She's a groupy, all the hacking into SHIELD, tracking powers. She might as well be one of those sweaty Cosplay characters crowding around Stark tower.
Skye: WHAT?! I would... [whispers] it was just one time.

Coulson: We'll be making the calls, picking the ops, no red tape. [looks around] This is where they actually make the red tape isn't it?
May: You're really just asking me to drive the bus?
Coulson: No. [smiles] It's a really nice bus.

Coulson: Agent May.
May: No.
Coulson: So you've been briefed.
May: I'm not going back into the field.
Coulson: Yeah, because you such a nice setup here. [looks at piles of papers] Ever thought about adding a moat?

You can't walk away from this. With great power comes.... a ton of weird crap you are not prepared to deal with.


Doc: Tahiti. He really doesn't know does he?
Hill: He can never know.

Hill: It was a porcupine, not a poop.
Coulson: No, I'm pretty sure [looks at book]

Agent Hill did a very detailed assessment of your last three missions. Combat, top grades; Espionage, highest marks since Agent Romenoff. Under people skills, she drew what I think is a little poop, with knives sticking out of it.


Ward: So Director Fury faked your death to motivate the Avengers?
Hill: The death of a comrade is a particularly effective motivator.
Coulson: It wasn't that big of stretch, I stopped breathing for 40 seconds
Hill: That time gets longer each time you tell it.
Coulson: You get shanked by the Asgardian Mussolini and you can tell it your way.

Hill: For that you will have to ask Agent Coulson.
Ward: I'm clearance level 6, I know that Coulson died before the battle of New York,
Coulson: [steps out of shadow] Welcome to level 7. Sorry, that corner was really dark, I couldn't help myself. I think there's a bulb out.

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1 Quotes

Hill: Then New York was invaded by aliens, and they were beaten back by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40s, and a god.
Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god
Hill: You haven't been near his arms.

Hill: What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for Agent Ward?
Ward: Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
Hill: And what does that mean to you?
Ward: That someone really wanted our initials to spell SHIELD.