Billy: Laura's cold.
G.W.: You're tellin' me!

Olivia: What happened now?
Coop: Why are you looking at me?

Spencer: How many of these do I have to do?
J.J.: Just until you don't look like you're being held at gunpoint by terrorists.

Can you just relax and enjoy yourself, even if you don't like either of those things?

Jordan [to Spencer]

Live your life. Do your thing.

Olivia [to Layla]

Olivia: Maybe I'll be as good with a pen as you are with a football.
Spencer: Probably better.

When Pops rubs his nose like that, that's when you know he's bluffing.


To new beginnings.


G.W.: I won't have you coming in here trying to cut up my food.
Billy: I won't. Laura can do that.

You spent most of your life carrying everyone. Maybe it's time that you let us carry you.

Coop [to Spencer]

We all got worth.


Billy: Seeing Pops like that was ... not easy.
Spencer: The word you are looking for is traumatizing.

All American Season 4 Quotes

Layla: Sorry. Sorry, it's just a bad dream. I'm fine.
J.P.: Are you?
Layla: I am. I promise.

Layla: We should probably get going.
Carrie: There's nowhere else to go. This is it.