Let's just keep this train running.

Patience [to Layla]

Jordan: How many drafts are there?
Laura: Don't ask.

What the hell is a kiln?

Spencer [to Denise]

We going to college, baby.


How can you live in L.A. and not pick up a little Spanish?

Patience [to Liv and Jordan]

Olivia: Whoever you are, you're still Patience.
Patience: Thanks, Jayden. I, mean Olivia.

What if we do get their hopes up and it doesn't work out?

Jordan [to Spencer]

I miss middle-school problems.

Olivia [to Layla]

Why do they always leave me, man?

Spencer [to Spears]

Alicia: Why am I here?
Olivia: Because Spencer is drowning. And I think you're the only person who can save him.

Dr. Spears: What made you finally call?
Spencer: I scared my brother.

This Spencer James. I don't know you, and that scares me.

Coop [to Spencer]

All American Season 5 Quotes

Layla: JP Keating Records should be run by a Keating.
Clay: It's not my fault that your daddy issues got in the way of your future.

Layla: Look, it's been six weeks, Clay. I think you've proved your point.
Clay: Oh, what point is that?
Layla: That you can get to me.