With a repeat offender back in my courtroom, I wonder if I’m really making a difference.

Lola: There is nothing going on between Dre and me. I was seeking your professional advice.
Mark: My professional advice is you should pass. We both know Robin’s already mad enough.
Lola: Before you start judging my relationship, how about just focus on your own?

Mark: Luke, look who is here.
Luke: You came!

Lola: What game are you playing, Audubon?? You know you don’t give a damm about Mink and Fox.
Rachel: I’m gold money. These are my people. You just married into it.

I have no idea who you are. I meet so many people. It’s exhausting.


You’re Mark’s Lola? He talks about you all the time.


Lola: Did you pick that picture?
Mark: I picked a bunch of photos from law school. You were in most of them. You were my ride or die, Lo. We were going to take on the world together.

All Rise Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Lola: There is nothing going on between Dre and me. I was seeking your professional advice.
Mark: My professional advice is you should pass. We both know Robin’s already mad enough.
Lola: Before you start judging my relationship, how about just focus on your own?

With a repeat offender back in my courtroom, I wonder if I’m really making a difference.
