If you're having a legitimate problem with your vagina...


Cheryl: Think about someone else for once in your life.
Lana: And that's her saying that.

Hello, is this air boats? Yeah, hi, it's me space bot.

Black astronaut. That's like killing a unicorn

You're not fit to be queen of...name a place.


With your looks, maybe bitchy isn't the way to go.


Please you'd do... name a noun


My tongue says sangria by my heart says michelada.

Commander Kellogg: Archer broke both of Wu's arms while shouting, "woo!"
Archer: Happy coincidence.

I left my lightsaber in my other space pants.

It's like a vagina with a zipper.


Bring the heavy stuff, those ISIS bastards killed a black guy...I know, welcome to America.

Freedom Fighter

Archer Season 3 Quotes

Archer: So excuse me for needing some time to grieve.
Rip: By tending bar and banging newly weds?
Archer: Apparently that's my grieving process.

Pam: What a hunk
Cheryl: Total sploosh.
Lana: Yeah, gotta give him a sploosh.
Gillette: And whatever my equivalent of sploosh. Which I guess is just sploosh. Only with semen.