Is this really how you guys figure out how to get your target? Over burgers and shakes?


Slade: What?
Oliver: I'm trapped on an island and my only friend is named Wilson. So...

Slade: I'm impressed that you didn't puke.
Oliver: I swallowed it.

Nothing is bred that is weaker than man.


I may be blonde, but I'm not that blonde.


Oliver: What about the others?
Slade: You worry about your one. I'll worry about my ten.

Slade: Obviously you were never a Boy Scout.
Oliver: Really? What tipped ya off?

Oliver. Oh. Wow. Everything about you just became so unbelievably clear.


Moira Queen, you have failed this city.

Arrow: I'm the vigilante. You're the cop.
Det. Lance: That doesn't mean I have to read the bastard his rights though.

Show me a more dangerous rule breaker than The Hood.


You are so blinded by your hate for him that you don't realize the damage that it's doing in your own life. To your family.


Arrow Season 1 Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
