I gave you the match and the gas can, Commander. It's up to you to do the rest. Burn it down. Or you're just as bad as them.

Sophie: Have to admit. Kind of surprised you called me.
Ryan: Don't know many Crows.
Sophie: Ex-Crow
Ryan: Them either.

I betrayed you. I killed you. I even chose my sister over you. And yet, still, I haven't fully pushed you away. So, either you're a masochist, or you hate yourself, but which one is it?


Alice: Body go bye-bye?
Ocean: Can't be traced back to us.
Alice: 'Us' That word does have a nice domestic flare to it. Even in the context of disposing of a body.

Tavaroff: It's not your fight.
Batwoman: Yeah? You shot an innocent, unarmed, black man. The fight is in my DNA.

I know you're in love. And maybe, if you'd seen it earlier in your life, you might not be the monster that you are today. As much as I hate you, Alice, everyone deserves love.


Alice: Watch your back, steppy.
Mary: So you came here to warn me out of the goodness of your empty chest cavity?

You know it's impossible to get your old man's attention when he's deep in thought.

Bruce Wayne

Eli: Y'know if that guy had just minded his business and let me take the car, I'd've been out of there. And he'd be fine.
Batwoman: You're saying this is his fault?
Eli: It's the truth.

I didn't listen when my sister warned me about them. I didn't listen when you two warned me about them. And what kills me is I didn't even listen when my own gut warned me about them. Hate, ignorance, apathy. It's bigger than me.


Enigma: And what core feeling will her motorcycle keys provoke?
Alice: Freedom. Kate rode her motorcycle to be free. Free from the burden of protecting this city. Free from my father's overbearing grit. Free from the burden of having to save her irredeemable sister.

Ryan: I'm sorry I got hated.
Sophie: We're all hated, girl. But that's how we burn it down.

Batwoman Season 2 Quotes

Ocean: If you really believed I tried to blow up your sister's airplane, this conversation would look a lot more like you fumbling to kill me again.
Alice: I wasn't fumbling, I was due diligence-ing. It will be very clear when I transition to actual murder.

'Rekindle'... Does it hurt as bad as it smells? Let's try... 'Remember'
