I'm just not sure this is me. Meditating. Looking for my inner...insides. I was never a be-the-ball kind of guy.


Sally: I think you're backed up.
Aidan: Backed up?
Sally: Sexually. When was the last time you broke off a piece for yourself?

I'm just gonna live while I can, and then let go when it's time to let go.


I'm sorry. Sally, are you going to do this? Are you going to eat live flesh to survive?


Aidan: Liam expected me to die, and now that I haven't...
Josh: No, I'm not going to let him anywhere near you.
Nora: Neither will I.

Josh: It was you beating the infection, that's what that was.
Sally: I didn't think dead people could do that.
Aidan: Yeah, neither did I.

Why do you insist on befriending every stray wolf you come across?


Sally: I ate a mouse.
Nick: Oh, thank God.
Sally: Not the reaction I was expecting.

May I ask what inspired you to ask one of our only "muggle" friends over during this particularly supernatural time?


So what you're saying is you're like a non-flesh eating, super articulate...zombie?


You are gonna die when you see the master bath. I almost spilled future generations just looking at it!


Yeah, and you two look like human maxi-pads. Glass houses much?


Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
