Protests are supposed to fuck with authority, Carlton. If they're okay with doing what you're doing, then you're doing it wrong.


Well, you know, usually, we respect his privacy when it comes to this kind of thing, but, um, Carlton started weaning off the medication, and we just wanted you to keep an eye on him. Let us know if you see anything off.


Hilary: We need to talk about the Simply Spiked collab. I already told them I'd call them by the end of the day, and I really do not want to lose this opportunity.
Ivy: Yeah, uh, about that, didn't we agree that H2Ivy would be the official drink of the house?
Hilary: Agree? No one agreed to anything. There was no agreeing. You didn't even ask me.

Advisor: Your name has come up in faculty discussions about the Founder's Award. President of the student body and the first Black student to win the school's highest honor. You'd love that, right?
Carlton: Yeah, of course, I would.
Advisor: Then shut this protest down.

All she's guilty of is exposing her students to books that are honest about race, sexuality, and American history.


Hilary: Well, I thought maybe you'd wanna have lunch with me and my boyfriend.
Phillip: Your boyfriend?
Vivian: Jazz? What? Wow.
Jazz: Mr. and Mrs. D. How's it going? How's it going?
Vivian: Of course we would. This is wonderful. Jazz. Isn't it, Phil?
Phillip: Yeah.

Coach Doc: Hopefully, that experience shaped you into someone who can handle hard truths instead of soft lies.
Will: Yo, whatever you got to say, just hit me with it.
Coach Doc: That fancy Bel-Air team got you and your game soft.

Ashley: Wait, what's going on?
Miss Hughes: I am... I am no longer a teacher at Bel-Air Municipal.

Miss Hughes: I know how much you liked reading about the Black Panther party. This author, Robyn Spencer, she talks more about the role Black women played in it.
Ashley: Nice. Can't wait to read it.
Miss Hughes: And you know I'll give you extra credit if you write me a two-page summary on your thoughts.
Ashley: Thanks, Ms. Hughes. You know, I wish all my teachers were like you.
Miss Hughes: And I wish more of my students had curious minds like yours.

Carlton: We could be, like, the kings of Bel-Air. Plus, I hate to say it, but hanging out with you makes me kind of cool
Will: Oh, got you. So you want to be cool by association? Like, second-hand cool? Like, cool once removed?
Carlton: I'm already regretting it.

Look, not every dollar in my pocket has to come from Uncle Phil. Now, go buy yourself something nice.


Jazz: No, all jokes aside, man, really glad you decided to go. And you can finally square things up with your uncle.
Will: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me.
Jazz: Get rid of you? Why would I do that? I mean, you know, I wouldn't mind having my... My couch back, you know, my bathroom...

Bel-Air Season 2 Quotes

Look, not every dollar in my pocket has to come from Uncle Phil. Now, go buy yourself something nice.


Jazz: No, all jokes aside, man, really glad you decided to go. And you can finally square things up with your uncle.
Will: If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me.
Jazz: Get rid of you? Why would I do that? I mean, you know, I wouldn't mind having my... My couch back, you know, my bathroom...