Jason: Uh, I'm sorry. Can I just take the temperature of the room on this? Have kamikazes made a comeback? Like, was there some kamikaze renaissance and I just didn't get the memo?
Ian: No, there hasn't. It's just bad writing. No one's ordered a kamikaze since 1999.

Somebody had to do something about that guy's dialogue.


Jennie: Tor. What if I CARE about Jason Priestley?
Tori: Oh. My. God.
Jennie: What if it's MORE than that?
Tori: How could this even be? You're so mean to him!
Jennie: It's part of my charm.

Jennie: Okay, can you stop being such a publicity whore?
Tori: Why? It's what I do best.

Shannen: Okay, you want my advice, here it is. You gotta let it go.
Brian: I can't let it go. She deceived me.
Shannen: No, she did not. She's just trying to help you. This is not a reflection on her lack of faith in you. That's your own insecurity talking.
Brian: You know what's annoying? The fact that you know me as well as you do.

Brian: You are a force of nature. You see what you want and you get it. It's really inspiring.
Tori: Well, what I want right now is you...in the reboot. What I want...I want you in the reboot.

Jason: Do you want her to think of you as someone who supported her dreams or someone who stood in her way?
Jennie: I want her to not repeat my mistakes.
Jason: She won't.
Jennie: You don't know that.
Jason: Sure, I do.
Jennie: How?
Jason: Cause she's got you for a mother.

Nate: T, they said no.
Tori: No one ever stopped my dad.

Tori: Bri, you want to get back into acting, right?
Brian: Totally. You know what's super sexy? A middle-aged, white rapper. I'm gonna try for movies, Tor.

Tori: Excuse me. Why is there no room on this plane?
Jennie: It's called coach.
Tori: What is it called?
Jennie: Coach.

  • Permalink: Coach.
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Jason: Well, this is weird. Oh, come on, we're all thinking it.
Gabrielle: I like that the anniversary brought us together. I can't believe that we are all here.
Jason: I wish that were true.

Maybe going back is just what we all need to move forward.

Tori [to Jennie]

BH90210 Season 1 Quotes

Tori: Excuse me. Why is there no room on this plane?
Jennie: It's called coach.
Tori: What is it called?
Jennie: Coach.

  • Permalink: Coach.
  • Added:

Mama's got six kids. Do you know how much college bribery money I'm gonna need?

Tori [to Jennie]