You are such a disappointment. You have to do better.

Sunny [to Walt]

Beau: Whoa! What happened?
Jenny: The money's gone.
Beau: Wait, what? How?
Jenny: My mother. She played us.

Harold: I keep trying to figure out where I knew you from. Now I know. You're her daughter. Gigi put you up to this, didn't she?
Jenny: Save your breath. What's so funny?
Harold: Gigi always comes out on top, doesn't she?

Cassie: Is Jenny okay?
Beau: Okay is not the word I would use. Don't tell her I said that, though, cause you know how she gets.

Beau: So, are we not gonna address the fact that your mom's a career criminal?
Jenny: It's complicated.
Beau: I bet.

  • Permalink: I bet.
  • Added:

One dead body. Happy Monday, Hoyt.


Buck: I sure hope he's telling the truth.
Sunny: Me, too.

Big Sky Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

One dead body. Happy Monday, Hoyt.


Buck: I sure hope he's telling the truth.
Sunny: Me, too.