It's what you do next that counts.


Morris: You're a real piece of work Reagan.
Frank: Oh please, call me by my first name. Commissioner.

Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.


Jackie: You guys get together every week to eat and fight. You sure you're not Italian?
Danny: Nope Irish. We just drink a little more.

Linda: So Frank, how was Joyce?
Frank: Seldom right but never uncertain.

Bacon. The ultimate test of faith.


Since he was found in possession of four kilos of heroin and enough cocaine to levitate Manhattan, I think a guilty plea will settle things nicely.


You have the right to remain silent so why don't you shut the hell up.


Jamie: Saw my first dead body last night. Of course Danny had to be the one to show it to me.
Erin: If you were twelve he would have made you kiss it.

After this week there's not a person at this table who thinks they could ever be too overprotective.


Bad things happen to everyone, boys. We all get knocked down. What matters is you get up. You keep going.


Frank: What about nap time?
Henry: The boys are too old for naps, Francis.
Frank: I meant for us.

Blue Bloods Quotes

Jamie: Saw my first dead body last night. Of course Danny had to be the one to show it to me.
Erin: If you were twelve he would have made you kiss it.

If Mom were still alive she'd tell you that was beyond your skill set.
