Danny: You didn't think to put protection on him?
Anthony: Protection was supposed to start tomorrow.
Erin: That was when we were supposed to turn over his name to the defense.
Anthony: We tried to start it earlier, but he didn't want to be off the street yet.
Danny: Well, looks like he's off the street permanently.

Frank: If there was a skeleton in the family closet, I would know about it.
Sean: This is no skeleton. He's a living, breathing guy who's walking around.

Erin: This office can't be used for your personal stuff.
Anthony: Yeah, well tell that to all the other Reagans.
Erin: That's different.
Anthony: Yeah, cause they think they can just waltz in here and do whatever they want cause they're your family.
Erin: That's not what I meant.
Anthony: Yeah, well, message received.

Frank: Technically, I am not a cop. The commissioner cannot be a sworn officer. And I am not here because I think you broke any laws. Not our laws, anyway.
Priest: I understand.
Frank: But I was a detective, which means I spent a lot of time on your side of the confessional. And I also developed a pretty good instinct for when I'm being told the whole story and when I'm not. So let's have it.
Priest: I betrayed my vows once, 12 years ago.

Monsignor: Couldn't you just tell me he was innocent of what I asked?
Frank: Is that really what you wanted?

Three more people died last night because of this bad batch. That's five people and counting. You've got to start being straight with us.


Mia: You don't know what some of these kids have been through.
Jamie: It isn't about what these kids have been through. It's about what they did in that store.
Mia: No. It's about what's been done to them by the system.

Jamie: Who is this?
Eddie: The lady with the story full of holes.

WIlson: I'm just trying to follow your lead. Of all the attorneys in this office, you're the one I can learn most from.
Erin: Maybe you should learn that we serve the people of this city, that we get justice for every victim.

Woman: Idle hands do the devil's work, especially for these kind of kids.
Eddie: What kind of kids?

Baez: What's your relationship to the girls?
Woman: I look after them.
Baez: Look after them?
Woman: These are small town girls. The bright lights and big city are too much for them. I'm like the den mother.

Monsignor: It's the men in my position who have had a hand in moving the rotten apples to another barrel. So my word is diluted.
Frank: Why are you so certain he is innocent? If you want an investigation, we do it my way. The cop way.