I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to be kicking myself for jumping over some boundaries when I thought I could be of help.


Jack, the fact that you even considered the Core says something. It means you're thinking about what can I do for my country, not just what I can do for me.


Pop, it's Sunday dinner, not Face the Nation.


Garrett: So the recruits were in a tough spot.
Frank: Relatively speaking.
Garrett: Relative to what?
Frank: Being under fire in 120 degree heat in the middle of the desert is a tough spot, taking a test in an air conditioned classroom, not so much.

You made a commitment. We keep our promises, end of story.


Danny: I will talk to him, man to man, father to son, and I will figure out where his head is.
Linda: You better get on the right side here, Danny.

That even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop on the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.


The cops can't do their jobs without us and we can't keep the community safe without them.

Reverend Potter

You're still preaching to your choir; I'm not in your choir.


My first C.O. once told me that if there's a conversation you've been avoiding, then that's the one you need to have.


Choir boys rarely witness major crimes.


People hear "special prosecutor," what they really hear is cops screwed it up.
