If the bean counters pull his pension, you will be Commissioner Ebenezer Scrooge, and he has a big megaphone.


Man: That's my daughter Caitlin.
Jamie: How do you know? None of these photos have a face.
Man: This is her tattoo. It's her. She's been a mess lately. I thought maybe she was getting bullied so I looked through her browser and I found these. Revenge porn, they call it. I want you to take it down.

Sam: Hey! I was on the final boss.
Anthony: I'm your final boss.

Jamie: It was by the book, Dad.
Frank: What good's the book if no one else is reading it?

I never missed New York cause I never left. That's the secret to my longevity.


Frank: You walk away, you're letting them win.
Mackenzie: They already have.

Mackenzie: If you ask me, that judge should be investigated.
Frank: I can't do that. It would look like I'm strong-arming him.

When I choose to leave this place, I'm planning on walking out this door, not picking my way through a pile of rubble.


Take those beads off. You look like Miss Cleo.


If you talk to IAB about Espinoza and it leaks, which it might, it won't matter if IAB turns up nothing.


Jamie: Espinoza's been good to me. He got us this apartment. But if he's abusing his power to have sexual relations with a rookie I can't look the other way. Right?
Frank: Not in this day and age.

Look, how many of your friends have to die before you come clean with us?


Blue Bloods Season 10 Quotes

Anthony: And who the hell is she?
Erin: High priced defense attorney for guilty clients.
Defense Attorney: I see you still haven't changed. You're still a cold hearted bitch.

Lenny: I gave her a courtesy card just in case.
Frank: In case she got picked up with narcotics?
Lenny: She was just holding them for a friend.
Frank: Oh.
Lenny: She's a good kid.
Frank: Says every father ever. A courtesy card lets nobody's kid skate on a felony. Not even mine.