Baez: Apparently he was running for city council as a progressive. According to his website, 'I will fight for the rights of all New Yorkers, including the poor and underserved and diverse communities'.
Danny: More like give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free, only not in my neighborhood.

Eddie: It's called marriage, Jamie. We do things for each other.
Jamie: Great. The thing I want to do is not do that. So by your logic, we should not do this thing.

Frank: It's hard enough out there without our people reading you slapping them around over their morning coffee.
Garrett: I didn't slap them around.
Frank: I know that, but they don't. Walk it back.

Anthony: If you didn't know me, would you guess I was a cop?
Erin: I don't know, maybe.
Anthony: If you had to guess, like at a bar, what would you think?
Erin: Baseball umpire.

Danny: I'd love to have coffee, as soon as I get you down the hall and squared away.
Jill: Your brother tried and so did your dad.
Danny: You never saved my brother or my dad's life, but you saved mine. GIve me the chance to save yours too, will you?

You know, this job has a way of reminding me that with every win comes a loss.


Henry: There's a new coffee shop I want to try out. Jabba the Hut. Star Trek reference.
Jamie: Star Wars. And Dad sent you.
Henry: Says who?
Jamie: A lifetime of experience.

I am trying to be a good person for the first time in my life. Please help me do that.


What is it with you and this guy? Are you so starstruck that you can't accept that he's our guy?


Danny: I don't think Fells is our guy.
Baez: Excuse me, but were you in the same smelly apartment I was with the same half-plastered guy with a bathrobe passing for clothes?

Jill: I was a good person once.
Jamie: And you still are. It's the addiction that's bad.

Frank: You know her?
Jamie: I've collared her before. She's not in a good head space right now.
Frank: Sounds like you're pulling for her.
Jamie: Isn't compassion part of the job?
Sid: Especially for cops.

Blue Bloods Season 11 Quotes

Baker: The mayor says he knows you're busy and don't need to go to his meeting tonight.
Frank: Won't need or shouldn't?
Baker: I don't know.
Frank: If you did know?
Baker: I get the sense the Mayor is keeping police business at arm's length.

Danny: Looks like Madeline put up one hell of a fight.
Baez: She was 25 years old. When I was her age I was living in Alphabet City with a guy named Dario.