Frank: The problem here is not you. Facts don't cease to exist because some people won't acknowledge them.
Sid: The fact we need to face here is that I gotta go. That's what the Mayor wants.
Frank: I run this department!

Ashley: Most cops don't care about the murder of transgender women.
Danny: Well, I can reassure you that this cop does. We are treating this case just like any other case.
Ashley: That's the problem. This isn't like any other case. This is a hate crime.

Baez: I'm not judging or anything, but I've never been around it and I just don't get this transgender thing.
Danny: You don't have to get it yet. All we have to get is our murderer.

Woman: I was such an idiot. I encouraged her.
Baez: Was he [the suspect] trans too?
Woman: No. But most of us don't have a sign around our neck.

Frank: We had you under some pretty hot lights before I brought you up here. So I can't imagine we missed anything.
Garrett: But the lights are different now.
Frank: One thing's the same: I got your back.

A t-shirt and a funny hat don't make you a cop, and it certainly doesn't give you the right to beat someone to an inch of his life.


It's not a sacrifice unless you keep it to yourself. If you tell everyone, it's just grandstanding.


Frank: When did you figure out I didn't get where I was by being a saint?
Erin: Long before our lunch the other day.
Frank: And when did I learn you weren't a saint?
Erin: Probably when I was six.

Meghan: It was supposed to be me!
Danny: It wasn't supposed to be anyone.

Governor: I always look at a gift horse in the mouth, even check its teeth.
Erin: Ever come to regret that? When you lend a man a hammer, he remembers that. If you hit him over the head with it, he remembers that too.
Governor: Is this is about me passing you up for DA?
Erin: You're on a roll today, aren't you? My family has its flaws just like any family. Here's one of them: when we give our word, we keep it and we expect others to do the same.

Woman: Mike isn't a bad guy.
Eddie: If he is abusing you, you need to think about your children! This is a dangerous environment for them as well as for you.

Governor: So what does he want me to do?
Erin: Ignore what comes out of 1PP about this bill.
Governor: That I'm a defund the police guy, another radical leftie that's part of the Blue Lives Don't Matter crowd?

Blue Bloods Season 11 Quotes

Baker: The mayor says he knows you're busy and don't need to go to his meeting tonight.
Frank: Won't need or shouldn't?
Baker: I don't know.
Frank: If you did know?
Baker: I get the sense the Mayor is keeping police business at arm's length.

Danny: Looks like Madeline put up one hell of a fight.
Baez: She was 25 years old. When I was her age I was living in Alphabet City with a guy named Dario.