Bones: You reconstruct the faces of murder victims as well as anyone in this country.
Angela: That's the most depressing thing that anybody has ever said to me.
Bones: I thought it was a compliment.

Brennan: Something is bugging me.
Booth: Yeah me too. There's a human skull in my living room.

If high school boyfriends killed every kid who had a crush on their hot girlfriend the species would be dead in half a generation.


It's a myth that transcends race. It is an abiding tenet of humanity.


It's a glorious mess and I'm truly sorry you're going to miss out on it.


There is no evidence that our consciousness survives our corporeal death in any way.


It's my job to turn this skull into an actual human being, so you try being detached.


It's better he hurt himself dare deviling for the internet than getting beat by a drunk foster father.


OK. Take a hike bug boy.


Booth: Once you start with the math you don't stop, right?
Bones: I think everyone's like that, don't you?
Booth: Yeah, I think so, definitely. Go math! Math people forever, right?

Sweets: Oh my god, Booth is funny.
Fisher: Almost funny.

Fisher: I don't do jokes. I do raw, unfiltered honesty.
Cam: Let me hear some raw, unfiltered honesty, then.
Fisher: I am incapable of truly loving another human being. For that reason, I will never sire an heir.

Bones Season 8 Quotes

Hodgins: I've loved combustion variables ever since I blew up the multipurpose room for my middle school science fair project. First time I made it onto a watch list.
Cam: Yeah, that's a lot less creepy.

Booth: Don't do that. Not that look. Please. Don't give me the sad eyes.
Brennan: Please?
Booth: Ah, come on! No, I'm not looking. I'm driving.
Brennan: Come on.
Booth: Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby! What did the baby do to you?