Bones: You believe he hasn't yet recovered emotionally because he's incapable of finding an apartment?
Booth: Doesn't take a shrink to know that one.
Sweets: Standing right here, guys.

[to Booth] Whatever's next, we'll handle it. We always do.

Save the girls.


Caroline: You want to take on a private army with an FBI tac squad?
Booth: Yeah.

[to Booth] You think I can just foxtrot into a judge's chambers with my winning smile and girlish figure and get whatever I want? I appreciate the compliment, chere, but it doesn't work that way.


Cam: We have to stay focused on what's important.
Hodgins: He was in my bedroom. He threatened my wife and child. Nothing is more important than that.

[to Bones] That is a lot of highly trained squintspertise you are sending on a government-paid vacation.


Bones: I don't want to pass my failings on to Christine, Booth.
Booth: What failings?
Bones: Hyper-competitiveness, arrogance, insensitivity to the feelings of others.
Booth: You know what? Thumbs up to the self-realization there Bones. Actually, two thumbs up.
Bones: You should make a similar effort.
Booth: What?
Bones: Not to pass on your failings.
Booth: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you mean? What failings?
Bones: [to Christine] It's time for bed.

Booth: You know that was really nice of you to let Clark have his moment, Bones.
Bones: Well, I'm a very nice person.
Booth: Yes you are, but you know what? You're nice. You've gotta work on your modesty.

[to Bones and Edison] Look at you two, sharing. It's beautiful.


Booth: The guy goes whacky.
Sweets: I was going to use more technical terms.
Booth: That's why I interrupted you.

Angela: Are you actually afraid of Brennan?
Hodgins: Yeah.
Angela: More than you're afraid of me?

Bones Season 8 Quotes

Hodgins: I've loved combustion variables ever since I blew up the multipurpose room for my middle school science fair project. First time I made it onto a watch list.
Cam: Yeah, that's a lot less creepy.

Booth: Don't do that. Not that look. Please. Don't give me the sad eyes.
Brennan: Please?
Booth: Ah, come on! No, I'm not looking. I'm driving.
Brennan: Come on.
Booth: Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby! What did the baby do to you?