Cam: [about Bones] She'll be okay.
Hodgins: Yeah, that's...not true.

Bones: I don't believe this. I taught you.
Edison: And I'm grateful. I promise, you'll be thanked when I'm published.

Edison: Crime, you. Ancient history, me. Remember?
Bones: Yes, but I would think you would want nothing more than my expertise.
Edison: And I'm well aware that you would think that. But I don't want to take you away from your murder.

[to Sweets] Why is when I ask you something it's never about what I'm asking you about?


Hodgins: Eh, it does look humany.
Bones: Sorry to disappoint you.

Bones: Do I have to do anything special when it ends?
Booth: No.
Bones: Why not?
Booth: Because it's never gonna end, Bones. It's always gonna be just like this. Just like this.

[to Cam] Something is going on here that I don't know anything about, so walking away. Running away.


[to Hodgins] I'm so tired of all this ugliness. I want some beauty in my life.


[to Bones] This is...a...good look. You going to the hootenanny later?


Cam: If this destroys the bones, all hope of solving this case is lost.
Hodgins: Well, you don't really have to put it like that.
Cam: I guess I'm just a plain-spoken cowboy.

Sweets: Booth was a dance teacher.
Bones: [laughing] That does not sound true.

Angela: When we met I was an artist. I mean, imagine waking up one day and realizing that for years you haven't been doing anything close to what you love.
Bones: I can't imagine that. I have to do this. It's who I am.
Angela: So you're saying I'm not an artist. Not really.

Bones Season 8 Quotes

Hodgins: I've loved combustion variables ever since I blew up the multipurpose room for my middle school science fair project. First time I made it onto a watch list.
Cam: Yeah, that's a lot less creepy.

Booth: Don't do that. Not that look. Please. Don't give me the sad eyes.
Brennan: Please?
Booth: Ah, come on! No, I'm not looking. I'm driving.
Brennan: Come on.
Booth: Oh, you were never able to do this look before the baby! What did the baby do to you?