Holt: I know you'd all rather be at home binge-watching media content...
Jake: Ohhh! I just started the second season of "Media Content". No spoilers.

Holt: Do you see me as a father figure?
Jake: No! If anything I see you as a "bother" figure cause you're always bothering me.

You've been needling poor Peralta so much you've practically made him a new suit!


Blink twice if you'd like me to mercy kill you.


I feel like I'm the Paris of people.


My mother cried when I was born because she knew that she'd never be better than me.


The crap library. All of the magazines are in the bathroom.


Wait a minute - you're Hitchcocking me?


I am flummoxed! That's a word I learned for this party, and I am it!


Terry: I specifically said "no shorts."
Scully: Sarge, it's not my fault. You said so many things about shorts, I got confused

Here are the rules. No staring at your phone, no rolling in two hours late, no sweatpants, no jeans, no shorts.


I'm fine at parties. I just stand in the middle of the room and don't say anything.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine Quotes

“The Squad” is the best book I ever read, and I’ve read 15 books.


Don’t worry; I know what I’m doing. I saw the first 15 minutes of The Hurt Locker.
