J.P: I played a card that I can never play again with the U.S Attorney's office but you and Atticus Finch decided to go to trial anyway.
Bull: Don't you just hate people with integrity.
J.P.: No, but right now I really hate you.

I don't know what you know about me but I'm a fixer, Mr. Bull. Sometimes I make things happen, sometimes I make things go away. That's how I got to be managing partner of my own law firm with offices in three states. People have a problem, I fix it. Mr. Colon clearly has a problem. Want me to take care of it?

J.P. Nunnelly

What are the chances of you forgetting the last two minutes of your life?

Jason Bull

Benny: I would never do anything like that, they know that.
Bull: I don't think they care, Benny. Look around, we're the only people in this room who didn't see this coming.

When this crap storm first started raining down on me, I was convinced that they were right. Maybe I messed up, maybe I did something seriously wrong, because science says that he's innocent, so he has to be innocent. Right? I ran it through my head over, and over, and over again, and I know two things. I really didn't do anything wrong, and he is guilty as sin.


The only thing about those bullets you dodge is that they keep traveling and sometimes they come back to hit you right between the eyes.

Jason Bull

I've never met a man or woman who doesn't believe at some point in their lives they've dodged a bullet. Walked out to the edge of the cliff we call fate, and then, for whatever reason, decided not to jump.

Jason Bull

Benny: I'm not a client.
Bull: You're more than that. You're family and you're not alone. If they come after you they have to go through me first.

Chunk: I'm talking about a group of people with a fanatical commitment to a charismatic leader. A belief that his way is the only way, and a complete lack of life outside of the organization.
Danny: To the cult of Bull.

Benny: Bull, you crossed the line.
Bull: What was I supposed to do? You're spiraling and you're certainly not opening up to me.

Benny: How do you live with knowing the choice you made had unintended consequences on someone's life?
Amy: I suppose you have to step back and think about why you were in that position in the first place. Most likely it's because you've earned the right to make certain judgment calls, and the right to make mistakes. Honest mistakes.
Benny: Life changing mistakes, nonetheless.
Amy: Is everything alright, Benny?

Congratulations, you're joining a cult. Now, please don't kill us.

Bull Quotes

Bull: Rule #1: The client is the enemy.

Marisa: The client's here.
Bull: Tell me he didn't bring his lawyer.
Marisa: His five lawyers.