Diane: I need you to know why I had an affair.
Owen: It's none of my business.
Diane: Derek ignored me. Okay, he moved past me like I wasn't even there, and now you are pissed off and you are ignoring me and I cannot handle you pretending that I don't exist!
Owen: I'm not mad at you.
Diane: Well, you're pissed off about something!
Owen: I'm just ... I'm pissed that Sam Mercer is gonna walk free.
Diane: Then why are you taking it out on me?
Owen: I don't know!
Diane: Well, don't then!
Owen: I love you!
Diane: I love you too!

Kodie: When your baby comes, just forget all the books. We've been having babies since forever. Trust your instincts.
Joanna: I keep forgetting this has to come out.
Kodie: It's not that bad.
Joanna: You are such a liar.
Kodie: Okay, its kinda bad.

Things that happen in our past they inform our decisions, shape our biases. We're all just broken, little children.


Joanna: Your test has an objective and a subjective part. You get the data and you interpret it. You draw conclusions from observations. So is there really ever a sure?
Stone: Experience makes me sure. Twenty-five years.
Joanna: So it is just your opinion?
Stone: An expert opinion.

Joanna: We stay up until we figure it out.
Luna: Uh, no. You're sleeping for two now and you barely sleep enough for one as it is.
Joanna: I'm not tired.
Luna: I got this. Okay?

Joanna: Just what the world needs; another assassin. That's what my father called me, what he trained me to be.
Luna: You're not gonna do that.
Joanna: He really did a number on us, huh?
Luna: Yeah.
Joanna: You know what I can't figure out about doctor Stone?
Luna: Hmm. How he could be such a dick?
Joanna: Convincing those boys at Legacy Pines to run away from their parents. Creating a test, to steal kids. Why?
Luna: He wanted to play god.
Joanna: Why does someone wanna play god?
Luna: Control.
Joanna: And someone who desires control usually had it taken away, an event that left them helpless.
Luna: Childhood trauma. The gift that keeps on giving.

You're pregnant and you never talk about it, which is super weird. But I'm excited because I get to be an aunt.


Joanna: You can't find a heartbeat.
Doctor: Well, sometimes it takes a few seconds.
Joanna: It's been a few minutes.

Joanna: Our only shot at winning is if we show the court that you aren't who they think you are.
Kodie: What if I fail.
Joanna: You won't. I know you can do this. When we were kids, you were the strong one. You never let me give up. I'm going to do the same for you.

Joanna: I have to prove that a famous doctor is wrong in a field of science I don't understand. He's testified in hundreds of trials. He's seasoned, practiced, and prepared.
Billy: So are we.
Joanna: He has everything to lose.
Billy: So do we. The clock's running. Kodie's kids are gonna be adopted out. Losing isn't an option.

Joanna: Keep researching the doctor. If he's been falsifying drug tests, there has to be a reason.
Luna: You're asking me to find a needle in a haystack. You know that, don't you?
Joanna: I know I can count on you.
Luna: Is this your way of apologizing about Mercer, giving me an impossible task to show that you believe in me?
Joanna: You always come through for me, Luna.
Luna: I'm on it then.

Taylor: Bad guys, getting away with bad stuff. Wow. It seems like that's the way the world works now.
Owen: Well sometimes, we have to make compromises, for the greater good.
Taylor: For the greater good. Right.
Owen: We don't have to like it.
Taylor: Yeah, well, I really don't like it.
Owen: Well, I don't either.
Taylor: It was nice working with you Becks. Luna was right. You're a solid dude.
Owen: Taylor. You can let it go now.
Taylor: I'll try.

Burden of Truth Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.