Owen: How did you get in here?
Taylor: Oh. Well, I just told them I was your niece. That guy doesn't seem too sharp.

You've lost this one, Miss Chang. If you were expecting a last-second capitulation, you were mistaken. But I'm happy to buy breakfast. You need all the financial help you can get.

ClearDawn Lawyer

Joanna: Look, I don't have any answers, so I don't know what to let you in on. I am ... I am so confused and I can't even trust myself. I am trying to figure this out. And when I do, I will let you --
Billy: I DON't WANT YOU TO FIGURE IT OUT! I wanna figure it out with you. Joanna, I don't have the answers either but if they exist, at all, then I don't wanna find them without you.
Joanna: What the hell are we going to do?
Billy: It's so nice to hear you say that. I wanna have this baby. With you.

Billy: Why won't you talk to me.
Joanna: We talk every day.
Billy: About the baby.
Joanna: Stop.
Billy: If I'm not enough, you need to tell me. If you need more, you need to tell me.
Joanna: This isn't about you! Can we please --
Billy: IF YOU DON"T WANT ME, that's fine, but this baby is coming either way.
Joanna: You don't think I know that? You don't think I know there is a person inside me? I don't know what I am doing, Billy. You ... you are good. And kind. And I shouldn't even be ... A marriage is one thing, we get out of contracts all the time. But ... a child? You would be stuck here, with me, and I am clearly not capable of living this life. I can't even say "good job" to our employees. What am I supposed to do with a child? And I just can't stand to see the look of disappointment.
Billy: I'm not disappointed.
Joanna: When I can't help but turn our child into me.

Owen: Sam Mercer. You're under arrest.
Mercer: You might wanna ask your old lady about that.
Owen: Oh, I did. Turns out she's not afraid. Certainly not afraid of you. No, I'm here because she told me to be.
Mercer: Look, Owen --
Owen: You know, I was wondering, does your wife know that you took those? Sneaking around, taking naked pictures of people? I mean, Diane taught your daughter. Does she know what kind of thing her dad's been up to? And what about your boy? I mean, would he be proud of the old man? I mean, I wonder what he would say.
Mercer: Sounds like you're blackmailing me.
Owen: I guess I am. But I'm taking you in Sam. And you're going to destroy every last photo. Every last copy. Now put down the wrench. Be smart. The story ends here Sam.

Taylor: Are you comfortable?
Callie: Are you kidding me?
Taylor: It says to ask that.

Taylor: How to deliver a baby.
Siri: I found this on the web.
Taylor: Okay, bedsheets, something clean to put underneath, use my blanket, put that underneath her. Tell her to breathe and push.
Callie: I'm not deaf!

Eli: You have no idea what he was like.
Billy: Okay, so help us understand.
Eli: He would like ... like, get into our heads. Twisted us. He had this way of making us need to make him proud. I don't know how to explain it. I don't ... I ... I don't know, it's just, we just suddenly didn't see our parents anymore. He was all we could see. And, and it seemed right at the time, so we ran away. And we knew, I don't know why, but somehow we just knew, that we could never, ever go back to them.

Harper Bailey: Don't worry. I'm not nearly as fragile as he gives me credit for.
Joanna: No one survives law school if they're fragile Mrs. Bailey.

Mr. Bailey: Tell me why you're looking into Solomon Stafford.
Billy: We never said --
Mr. Bailey: You didn't have to.
Joanna: How could you possibly know which case we were talking about?
Mr. Bailey: My wife only became a lawyer after David ... She only tried one case.
Joanna: The boy who died was your son.

I can't eat because I feel like I'm going to throw up, but if I don't eat, I do throw up. I'm fine.


Owen: You know I love you, right? That I'd never do anything to put you in harm's way.
Diane: That's a terrifying start.
Owen: I got Mercer. I actually got him. He's been blackmailing people while he's on parole.
Diane: That's amazing.
Owen: Yeah.
Diane: Hey. He's gonna go away for good. Okay, you're starting to scare me.
Owen: Well, I got lost. Somewhere along the way. I got sloppy and, um ...
Diane: Okay, seriously, what's going on?
Owen: He knows why you're marriage broke up.
Diane: Oh, that was uh, that was a long time ago Owen. It was just ... it was just some workplace affair. I'm not proud of it --
Owen: He's got pictures, Diane.

Burden of Truth Quotes

Juries like blue. Brings out your eyes


Joanna: We want the jury to think this could happen to them.
Billy: Play on their fear.
Joanna: But not too hard or we'll lose them. Stay likable.
Billy: I am likable.
Joanna: Jury's still out, Crawford.
Billy: I'm more likable than you.
Joanna: Well, that is a very low bar.