Castle: Thank you.
Beckett: Always.

Are you going to water board me? Because that would seriously affect our relationship.

Castle: I always liked your legs, but now I respect them.
Beckett: Yours aren't so bad either. For the next police picnic, we should enter the three legged race.

I know what it feels like to be in those crosshairs. I know what it feels like to have that bullet burn a hole through my chest. I know what it feels like to have your life leave your body.


Why Doogie Howser? There is so many cool TV doctors. Dr. House...Dr. Shepherd...

Castle: I hate going to weddings alone.
Beckett: Well maybe we could be each others' plus ones.

Kate: What am I going to do, just sleep in every morning and screw around till the phone rings? What kind of life is that?
Castle: Mine.

I need you to know that our partnership, our relationship is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You are an amazing man and I love you with all of my heart. Always.


Castle: A 200 year old bullet can only mean one thing: time traveling killer!

Castle: Are you sure?
Lanie: No, I just sit down here and make stuff up all day.

For a man who makes his living working with words, you sure have a hard time finding them when they count.


The thrill with Gina was long, long, gone. Now it's back with a vengeance. Of course, it brought along its friends "high-maintenance" and "shopaholic."

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
