Call me Hayley. I insist that anyone who's frisked me use my given name.


Name your price. Anything you say, I'll pay it. I just want my wife back.

If you wanted a binding agreement we should have pinky sweared.

Hayley: You really love her don't you?
Castle: Like a house on fire.

Castle: You're going to call off your dogs, right now.
Bracken: Or what? You going to write something mean about me?
Castle: I'm going to start a scholarship in your name and offer it to the children of the first inmate who shanks you in the prison laundry.

Sixteen years Kate Beckett has been obsessed with solving her mother's murder. You really think she can turn off that kind of obsession?


Assassin: Most people react differently to a gun in their side.
Castle: Yeah, well this kind of thing happens to me often.

Assassin: Your earlier stuff was better. You got soft once you met the skirt.
Castle: Everyone's a critic.

Castle: You set up shop in my office behind my back and it's my fault?
Alexis: Exactly.

Trust me, a bullet's going to kill you long before hunger does.


Worst thing I thought I was going to be facing was working without Castle, and then you called.


You may as well kill yourself right now Kate. You've stumbled onto something which is so over your head, I'm amazed you're still alive.


Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
