Caught him red handed and bare bottomed.

Rick Castle

Where I come from, it's rude to point a gun at a man.

Rick Castle

Kate Beckett: Castle, do you realize how lucky you are?
Rick Castle: Extremely lucky, after all I'm married to you.

Kate Beckett: I'll give it to you straight. I'm just a girl, looking for a private dick.
Rick Castle: Whoa, then your search is over, sweetheart.

Canvasing? Oh, that thing you get Espo and Ryan to do.

Rick Castle

She might have been killed by a psychotic plumber lying in wait.


Detective Beckett, it's so pleasant to see you and not see Castle.


Much like my Nikki Heat novels were inspired by you, my new series of P.I. novels will be inspired by me. I'll be my own muse.

Rick Castle

I think that if this is what you really want to do then I'm behind you all the way.

Kate Beckett

Castle: Ryan, you played the C card?
Ryan: You weren't around. Somebody had to step up.

You didn't seem to care about lines last night. Last night it was anything goes.

Rick Castle

Castle: What happened to that rebellious girl with the leather jacket and the motorcycle? Would she say can't?
Beckett: She enforces the law now and drinks expensive wine.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
