Trace: Mick, it's all good. I'm handling it.
Mick: You are, because you have integrity which is why I went into business with you in the first place.
Trace: Great, well, I'm interviewing managers this afternoon and we're in the process of setting up a new accounting system.
Mick: That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is, you can't promise me it won't happen again, because you may not be here to see that it doesn't. Look, when I go into business with somebody, it's face to face. That's not what's been going on here. You've been running this place in absentia. I lost more money canceling meetings in New York then I'm ever gonna get back here, no matter how long this place stays open. So if we're keeping the club, and I do wanna keep it, from now on, we do it my way.
Trace: That's not what we agreed to.
Mick: I think you should take another look at the contract. That's exactly what we agreed to.

Kevin: Sarah told me today that she might be transferring to the Philadelphia Fire Department.
Connor: Aw, that's a tough one.
Kevin: Yeah, what's really tough is I can't exactly tell her not to go, 'cause I don't know where I'm gonna be.
Connor: What are you going to do?
Kevin: I don't know.

Trace: Well that's just it. I mean Greg Lanier's online books were all in order.
Mick: But?
Trace: But it appears he falsified vendor invoices, paying out far more than we ever received.
Mick: So he pocketed the difference?
Trace: He might have, or maybe the business just got away from him, and he started funneling money from one place to the next to pay bills.
Mick: How much is left?
Trace: We took a huge hit, Mick.

Trace: So how long can you keep doing this?
Abby: Doing what?
Trace: Making homemade ice cream, going to pottery classes, and planning all-day scavenger hunts before you go to work at night?
Abby: I'm just trying to spend quality time with my daughters.
Trace: Abby, it's not a competition.You know, Ms. Marvel is just Wes's girlfriend. She's not you.

David: Jess O'Brien I think you forgot something.
Jess: David!
David: I don't know if you're still in the market for a cook, handyman, or anything else you might need, but I'd like to submit my application for employment.
Jess: Do you have any references?
David: Just one. And I missed her more than anything.

Kevin: You can't go from high to high. Because at some point it's going to hit you why you're really doing it.
Sarah: I'm doing this to celebrate.
Kevin: Maybe. I did it because I was scared. Terrified actually. Because, for a moment, I thought I was going to die and there was nothing I could do.
Sarah: I thought I was going to die, too.

Abby: Trace I found another picture of us online from when we were saying goodbye in Dallas.
Trace: Abby, I just think that maybe we need to start being more careful.
Abby: I am. That's what worries me. I am getting paranoid whenever I'm out with the girls and I know I have no reason to be but I can't help it.
Trace: I don't know what to say. If I could stop these people you know I would.

Trace: Leigh, what's up? You okay?
Leigh: Yeah I'm fine. It's just, we always write for the band together.
Trace: Like I said, I couldn't sleep. At least let me know what you think. Honestly.
Leigh: Honestly? I think it's one of the best things you've ever written.

You say that you want me here, you tell David that you want me here, and all the while, it's to see if I'm good enough? Yeah, I might run a B&B, and I don't really know what an auberge is, and I don't speak French, and I don't play polo, and when you said "Gstaad" earlier, I didn't know it started with a "G", which is silly anyway. But I am proud of who I am, and where I come from, and who my family is, and while they're all nuts, and we have our problems, trust me, a ton of 'em, they love me, and I love them, and I don't need you to tell me I'm good enough, because no one is gonna put Jess in a corner. So, before I move into this fishbowl, I'm leaving!"


Nell: Well, now here's a toast. To Robin and Thomas, for vows taken and worth taking again.
Megan: Here's to the O'Brien's love of making toasts.
Mick: And here's to raising spirits and the glasses that hold them.
Kevin: Dad, did you just make a toast about making toasts?
Mick: Yes, I did. I made it up.

Connor: I object.
Nell: Overruled. Well, Kevin. Connor. Your job is to hang all these lights for the ceremony. Understood?
Kevin: I think that she's grounding us.
Connor: She's not allowed to do that anymore, is she?
Kevin: I don't know. Too afraid to ask.

Abby: Trace, are you gonna be happy without all of this back home?
Trace: We have cheese back home.
Abby: No. Without the thousands of fans screaming your name and the VIP treatment.
Trace: Abby, none of that means anything if I don't have you.

Chesapeake Shores Season 3 Quotes

Mick: So, you and Conor still not speaking?
Kevin: Uh, not really. Ever since he moved out, we just haven't seen each other all that much.

Abby: Between his experience and Kevin's education, running the B and B will be a piece of cake.
Megan: I'm not cleaning up!