Connor, it's not about winning or losing. The point is, it wasn't your choice to make. When you work for someone, you do what they ask, and if you don't, you have to suffer the consequences.


Mick: Well, I verified the specs. I walked and measured the sites. I visit every pour.
Paul: So you believe me?
Mick: I did until I hired Bill Farrell of Farrell Concrete who said that you were cuttin' corners that even he couldn't imagine.
Paul: But that's what made it work so well. I poured fast so that you could build slow, and we never missed a deadline!
Mick: Are you saying I'm complicit in this?
Paul: No. What I'm saying is that we're partners.
Mick: Yeah, and when we partnered up, we talked about doing the right thing -- always.
Paul: Well I'm sorry if I don't follow your moral code in building or partnerships.
Mick: Are you threatening me, Paul?
Paul: If the foundation crumbles, the building does, too. If I'm goin' down, you're going down with me.

Bree: Now that is stupidly beautiful.
Jess: I knew that was a thing.
Sarah: Really? I mean, it's pretty, but isn't it a little much? [silence] I guess it's just not what I imagined.

Trace: Right now, I'm just trying to fix what's broken.
Mick: Yeah, but you don't see her when you're not here. Abby's my daughter, Trace. I'm just looking out for her.
Trace: I'm not leaving again. I'm here to stay.

Kevin, there's no such thing as perfect, and you don't need perfect because you have each other.


Kevin: You and David seem to be in perfect sync.
Jess: Yeah, well, not here. I HATE it here. Everywhere I turn, I see David's parents, and not in a good way because there isn't a good way. It's just, this place will never be ours. It's a job, not a family.

Paul: Look, Mick. We've walked every site together. You knew what I was doin'.
Mick: That's not an answer.
Paul: Look, we're in this together. We're partners.
Mick: Are you insinuating that I knew?
Paul: Knew what, Mick? Like I've said before, we've always engineered everything above code. What's your line again? That's right. It's just business.

Sarah: I feel like Goldilocks. We hike a cliff, and it's too high. We try to canoe, and it starts to leak. And now, we're picnicking.
Kevin: And it's just right?
Sarah: It's pretty close.

Megan: So, honey, we just want to know about your play. That's not about us, too, is it?
Bree: Hmm. Um, not exactly.

Chesapeake Shores Season 4 Quotes

Trace: Right now, I'm just trying to fix what's broken.
Mick: Yeah, but you don't see her when you're not here. Abby's my daughter, Trace. I'm just looking out for her.
Trace: I'm not leaving again. I'm here to stay.

Megan: So, honey, we just want to know about your play. That's not about us, too, is it?
Bree: Hmm. Um, not exactly.