Brett: It’s not a date, right? Drinks and dinner is a date, but lunch, that’s daytime, which means it’s professional.
Kidd: I need carrots to win but I keep getting these little green things. What are those, apples?
Foster: That’s broccoli girl.
Brett: Does anybody care about my crisis?
Kidd: I’m sorry. I do, but it’s just that the guy at the deli said this is the game people seem to win the most.

Seager: Your expression, when I introduced myself, I’ve seen it a lot in the CFD. People are always surprised by how young I am to have this rank, but there’s a reason I made lieutenant by the time I was 28: I don’t give up easily.

Seager: I’d love for you to come work for us Severide.
Severide: I appreciate the offer, but I’m happy where I am.
Seager: I thought you might say that but maybe take more a little more than half a second to think about it.

Casey: Ryan's the guy you were dating, right? He seems really invested, which makes a difference in those situations.
Brett: I wasn't dating Ryan. We had a drink once at Molly's to talk about Isaac.
Casey: Either way, it's nice to know there's someone in the system advocating for kids like that.
Brett: Um, why was I so defensive about Ryan? It's super weird.
Foster: Don't ask me, partner.

Herrmann: Hey, can we get this squad car moved?
Officer: I’m a little busy or didn’t you notice we got a hostage situation.
Herrmann: Yeah, no kidding, but I’m under orders to get my engine connected to that hydrant.
Officer: Yeah, sounds like your problem, not mine.

I lost my entire family in that fire, but the thing is I heard my little sister call my name from across the hall, and I was so scared that I ran for the closet. To this day, I'll never know if I could have saved her. Maybe, I could have saved them all.


I'm pretty new to 51 too, so I don't have much standing to give you advice, but if there's one thing I know about this place, it's that you can be yourself here. In fact, you have to be. That rule about not going in alone on a call, that applies inside the firehouse too.


Phyllis: I always wanted my daughter to marry a fireman.
Severide: Yeah?
Phyllis: She married a plumber instead.

Hermann: Do you guys have any idea what kind of an uproar it would cause if we decided to make a men’s only area at the firehouse? The HR complaints, the lawsuits.
Capp: We should do it.
Mouch: Yeah, I’m not so sure.
Ritter: That could really backfire.
Hermann: Yeah, we wouldn’t get away without, and you know why? The world is going to hell in a handbasket.

Casey: I stuck my neck out to get you into 51 when everyone else was telling me you were too impulsive.
Gallo: I know. It was a major screw up. I’m really sorry.
Casey: You won’t know what sorry is until you scrub all the toilets, wash the truck, mop the floors, and about a hundred other dirty jobs I haven’t thought of yet.

Kidd: So, we noticed that the blue office is just sitting there unused like a big old storage closet. So, we were thinking maybe we could turn it into a women’s lounge.
Boden: I’m sorry?
Kidd: You know, a designated place for the women of 51 to come together, to bond and form community, like the one in Montecito, California.
Boden: California’s women’s lounge?
Kidd: Yes.
Boden: In Chicago?
Kidd: Yes, sir.
Boden: I don’t think so.
Kidd: So, you have a problem with women needing personal space, chief?
Boden: You know what? The blue office is all yours.

Kidd: I have so much to tell you.
Severide: Things got better?
Kidd: Oh, yeah, I crushed it. Never had a doubt.

Chicago Fire Quotes

Kidd: I just got to keep busy. Working the bar’s good for that. Um, you know I’m gonna need some major distraction when I get home, right?
Severide: I think I can provide.
Kidd: You are so selfless.

Casey: Well, you gotta admit, he's happy.
Dawson: She's a graphic artist he met at the craps table. Her name is Brittany and she's from Florida? You know what that adds up to? Stripper!
Casey: What do you have against Florida?