Nat: Hey, how was the game?
Will: I'm filing a protest with the league commissioner.
Nat: So, you lost?

Jay: Well, I'm glad you didn't screw things up 'cause you can be a real knucklehead.
Will: What's that supposed to mean?!

Maggie: Since the first victim rolled in, it's only been two hours.
Sharon: Feels like two weeks.
Maggie: It's the world we live in, huh?
Sharon: Yeah. Unfortunately.

April: You okay?
Ethan: Still shaking. [pause] The crazy thing is, it's the most gratifying day I've had as a doctor... But I don't know what to feel.

There's so much blood. I can still smell the iron in the air.


Connor: Dr. Latham, I'm sorry if I overstepped earlier. I certainly wasn't trying to criticize.
Latham: No need to apologize, Dr. Rhodes. I realize that my rigidness can be frustrating. Although your tone was unnerving, your words were enlightening.

Dr. Latham, this is damage control! Stop the bleeding, stop the spillage, move on to the next patient.


Stohl: We'll have no idea who's getting what!
Sharon: You mean who's being charged for what, right? Let's figure out billing later.

Stohl: No, no, no, no. Mass Casualty protocol. No chance of recovery, no resuscitation.
Sharon: Save the living, Dr. Sexton.

I'm not perfect. I've got a million fears and insecurities about being a doctor, a mother, everything. It's exhausting. But, yes...sometimes I push it too far.


Noah: It'd be so hard to do that all alone. [hugs April]
April: What?
Noah: It's just...when mom and dad get old, at least we'll face it together.

Ethan [about a patient with attachment disorder]: He's never really going to be able to love them back, is he?
Daniel: By our definition? Unlikely.
Ethan: I don't know who to feel more sorry for, the parents or him.

Chicago Med Season 3 Quotes

Sarah: I want to be there when Dr. Charles testifies.
Noah: Right, right. I get it. Moral support.
Sarah: Yeah. He's the reason I went into psychiatry. Dr. Charles taught me everything I know.
Noah: It's kind of like your dad getting shot.

Stohl: You know, nothing's been done to improve security. We need a police presence here, inside and outside the ED.
Maggie: I'm all for cops, Dr. Stohl, but the people you most need to worry about aren't afraid of guns.