Just because my opinion is different from yours doesn't make it biased.

Sarah [to Daniel]

Look, I know you love me, but in a way, that's part of the problem. You can only see me as the woman you love, the woman you need to protect and take care of. And in a way, that limits me. It puts me in a kind of jail.

Nat [to Will]

Nat: My whole career, from med school on, I keep running into the same problem: men who either dismiss me or patronize me, who cannot see me as an equal.
Will: I see you as an equal.
Nat: No, you don't.

You just told me you felt guilty about lying to a patient, which means that you have a conscience, which means that you're not a psychopath.

Daniel [to Sarah]

Sarah: Whatever you want to call it, I am my father's daughter.
Daniel: You're also my resident, and I find you a deeply compassionate person who's capable of great empathy. I just never would have roped you into this whole psychiatry thing if I wasn't entirely convinced of that.

Will: Besides, I'm the attending. Ultimately, I'm responsible.
Nat: Oh my--come off it! Would you have done the same thing for Ethan, or for Noah? No, because they're men. They can take care of themselves. But not me! I'm just a helpless little girl

I own my mistakes, not you. I feel terrible that Gary might have died because of those drugs, but *I* am the one responsible. Okay? You do *not* need to protect me.

Natalie [to Will]

Dr. Halstad, I had hoped that you had outgrown your recklessness. Clearly you haven't.


Nat: What happened to you? You used to go to any length to try and save someone.
Will: Yeah, and it never ended well.

That's my consolation? Dr. Charles, after all these years...all these years, my father finally walks back into my life, and it turns out...he never loved. He can *never* love me.


You look so good in a suit. I can't wait to tear it off later.

April [to Ethan]

Ava: You've got it all covered, huh?
Connor: Look, I did what I had to for my patient.
Ava: At the expense of mine! So do me a favor, okay, and save your self-righteous hero speech for someone else.

Chicago Med Season 3 Quotes

Sarah: I want to be there when Dr. Charles testifies.
Noah: Right, right. I get it. Moral support.
Sarah: Yeah. He's the reason I went into psychiatry. Dr. Charles taught me everything I know.
Noah: It's kind of like your dad getting shot.

Stohl: You know, nothing's been done to improve security. We need a police presence here, inside and outside the ED.
Maggie: I'm all for cops, Dr. Stohl, but the people you most need to worry about aren't afraid of guns.