Charles: What's going on?
Will: A teenager with stage 2 brain cancer is refusing treatment and her parents are going along with it.
Charles: A teenager?

Hi, Hannah. If I'd known you were coming back, I would have brought you a...houseplant.


Dylan: I think there's been a retaliatory shooting. Guy named Hector came in and he saw Stefan. I'm pretty sure his buddy got the message.
Melana: You think they're bringing the gang war to the hospital?
Dylan: I know they are.

Melana: What's the status on Stefan?
Dylan: He got shot. He's going into surgery now.
Melana: If you wanna give me a ring when you know something...
Dylan: I don't think so. I shouldn't have listened to you in the first place.

Marcel: You know, for the longest time, my memory of her [Harper] was my greatest weakness.
Blake: Well, today it seemed like a source of real strength.

Between her and Jack that's 12 organs. 12 lives saved.


Melana: You know the rules.
Scott: Yeah, I got rules too. Do no harm.

Abrams: Dr. Taylor, Mrs. Patel has nothing wrong with her neurologically.
Vanessa: Really?
Abrams: Residents.

Will: COVID has been a long road for a lot of people.
Hernandez: I mask up, social distance, work remote to stay away from people, but I always seem to have something. Maybe I'm too cautious.
Will: No, I like what you're doing. Unfortunately, nothing is foolproof.

Woman: Indian mothers. The house could be on fire and she'd still say everything's fine.
Vanessa: Actually, I think that's all mothers.

Marcel: Kayla's bowel is dilated and she's got air in her small intestine. So I'm going to have to do surgery to find out what's going on.
Lucy: Surgery? No.
Kayla's father: She's only 10 days old.

Archer: Waiting for your turn in the spotlight?
Will: No. I decided to keep the money. Most of it, anyway. I donated some of it, but not enough to be worth being recognized.
Archer: You finally made a smart decision.

Chicago Med Season 7 Quotes

Archer: Ethan's physical therapy is going well?
Charles: That's why I hear.
Archer: That's good. And he doesn't hold a grudge?
Charles: A grudge?
Archer: If the shooter, what's his name... Neal? had been put on a psych hold, he wouldn't have shot Ethan. Ever think about that?
Charles: No, never. But you know what has crossed my mind? If any of this would have happened if you hadn't taken his appendix out against his will.

Natalie: Well, I guess that's everything. You okay?
Will: Yeah.
Natalie: You'd better go back.
Will: You'd better keep in touch. Otherwise I'll come find you.