Wyatt: It's over. My campaign. Everything I've worked toward for years. Gone.
Charles: You know, I'm not so sure that's the case. That kind of thinking, by the way, we call it catastrophizing cause you know, anxiety will do that.
Wyatt: This is a catastrophe. Did you miss my meltdown out there?

I feel like I'm operating in a freaking sports bar.


These parents are terrified and they need a human to help them through it.


Will: I'd like to order some more tests.
Jason's mother: There are always more tests. Can you at least explain what you are looking for?

Marcel: 2.0 is open.
Archer: Trauma surgery is not the time to play with your fancy new toy.

Marcus: Any nausea, headaches?
Archer: You've met my interns?

Sean: I was thinking about what you said yesterday, about what comes next. Yes to school. Yes to a job. Yes to all of it. I want to start again and do everything right this time. Will you help me?
Archer: It's us against the world, son. Us against the world.

Maggie: Come on. Male, black, average height. That could be a lot of people.
Will: It could be him.
Maggie: I don't know. The way he grabbed my hand at the end...
Will: I know. I felt it too.
Maggie: I don't know if he did it or not, but one thing is for sure: the cops have already decided he did.

Asher: Ah. Vegan portabello mushroom jerky.
Archer: Low in sodium, even lower in taste.

Will: You able to get anything out of him?
Maggie: Nope. He won't share the what, when, or why of his gunshot.
Will: Yeah. Something sketchy went down.

Archer: So what's next? You gonna go back to school or get a job?
Sean: Right now I'm just focused on getting through tomorrow.

Archer: Is something wrong? Did something happen? All of a sudden I'm getting all these calls.
Sean: Dad, take a breath.
Archer: What's up?
Sean: I'm getting out.

Chicago Med Season 8 Quotes

It is ironic that you managed to sideline the Chief of Transplant, making room for the next rising star.


Scott: You've been shot. We gotta get you to the hospital.
Jo: Dylan... it's not your fault.