You opened an old wound in this city, a church got burned. So you're gonna tell me what happened. Right here. In this room. Today.


Okay, I've been a cop for a lot of years. There's one thing I hate. I hate it when people blame the black kid. I get it all the time. I'll tell you something, please believe me when I tell you that, it's not gonna happen today because you're gonna tell me the truth about what happened.


Burgess: Night, Al.[pauses] What?
Olinski: Thanks partner.

Kenny I brought you here for a reason. You're doing great so far. I expected a little turbulence. But if you ever withhold information from again, I'll bounce your ass right outta here.


Burgess: Stay down! I said, stay down!
Tillman: She broke my arm!
Olinski: I'll break the other one.

Olinski: Let me get this correct, you called Tillman to follow up on a witness statement?
Burgess: Correct, but the number was out of service.
Olinski: And that didn't raise a red flag?

Violent step-father, crazy boyfriend, sleazy boss...Zoe sure had some winners in her life.


So you threw a Molotov cocktail into a church. In front of a hundred cops?


Sergeant, you can speak with the boys on two conditions, inside the church, and no guns.


What are we waiting around for? An angel to whisper in the father's ear?


Father, we're not going to change things by ignoring the victims.


I understand you're worried about the boys. But I'm worried that things are going to get real ugly, real fast if you don't open those doors.


Chicago PD Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?


I'm sorry officers, but unless you're here to pray, you can't come inside.
