Kim: When are we going to meet that mystery lady, Kev?
Kevin: Huh? Soon, real soon.

Ruzek: So Kim and I were thinking if it's okay with you, of course, maybe the three of us can live somewhere kind of permanently.
Makayla: You're going to live on the couch?
Ruzek: No, there's a three-bedroom apartment just upstairs, so we would move in there, and I can have my own room, then you and I, we can hang out all the time. I can pick you up from school, that sort of thing.
okay with you of course that the three of us can live together permanently?

Kim: I killed you didn't I? With what I said about Makayla? Let me be clear, OK? I know that you love her, and she loves you, Adam.
Ruzek: Then why are you--
Kim: I'm not going to take her away from you.
Ruzek: Then why do you got me in a standby position?
Kim: I'm not. I'm trying to protect her. That's all.
Ruzek: But I'm not leaving. I know she's not mine, but she is. She feels like my kid. I love her like she's my kid. I just do not want to feel like I'm going to lose her. I can't do that all the time.
Kim: You won't.
Ruzek: I understand things are complicated between you and me, I just need to know that I have a place with her too. I have a right to be in her life going forward.
Kim: Yeah, we can do that.
Ruzek: Really, yeah?
Kim: Yeah, we were going to do it before with our baby? This modern family? Let's do that now with Makayla

You asked me if I have a kid. I do. She's a girl. She's seven just like Brianna. So you can imagine what I felt when I saw you It's a little overwhelming being a father sometimes. Being a detective. You get scared.


Ruzek: You said you seen a white car? Did you see the plates? Did you you see the driver? Charlie, come on, man
Charlie: I will never tell you a thing.

I'm the only thing that can help you. I'm the only thing that is standing between you and Gen-Pop, so tell me where she is. Tell me!


Can I ask you something? Why wasn't I on the paperwork?


Charlie: I would never hurt a child. I love children. Do you have a child?
Ruzek: We are not talking about me.

Hello, Charlie. So where is she?! Huh!


Voight: You guys got married?
Halstead: Yeah we did.
Atwater: What the hell? Congratulations.

Halstead: It worked.
Hailey: I love you.
Halstead: I love you, too. Marry me, now.

It's over, but it's going to be different now between you and me. You always say tell me the truth so I can lie for you. From here on out, you tell me the truth, you bring me in, so we don't have to lie anymore. So I can protect you from yourself. You understand me?

Halstead [to Voight]

Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
