Atwater: I’m telling you what I should have told u earlier. There was no probable cause. Doyle saw a black man walking down the street and started profiling.
Voight: And that man was Sean Page?
Atwater: He wasn’t doing anything suspicious. He was just a black man in a bad neighborhood holding a duffel, and Doyle started following him. Eyeballing him. Hopped out of the car. Jammed him up. And that’s when everything popped off.

I've been trying to have some fun and get my mind off things, but I cannot seem to do that. Everything I think is gonna make me happy ends up just making me sad, you know?


Man, you're lucky. He was going to put a bullet in your daughter's head because you don't have the guts to cop to who you really are.


I swear, you let your daughter die, and I will kill you myself.


Halstead: Sarge, you know what doesn't add up?
Voight: Huh?
Halstead: We've been searching nonstop, and I think we're pretty good at what we do. How the hell did this guy beat us here?

Platt: If she comes back.
Halstead: What are you talking about?
Platt: The feds have a really sneaky way of holding on to good people. They make them wear nice suits, and they pay them really well.
Halstead: Well, Hailey doesn't like nice suits.
Platt: Uh-huh, I'm sure she doesn't. You miss her, don't you?
Halstead: Yeah, she's my partner.
Platt: Of course.

Pissed at her? No, I don’t even know her.


Voight: Hailey, the problem with crossing lines is that if you cross enough, you forget where they are. You don’t see them anymore.
Upton: I’m seeing just fine, sir.

If this guy’s anymore careful, I’m going to blow my brains out.


Upton: Vanessa, you’ve told the people in your life you’re a cop, right?
Rojas: I don’t really have a lot of people. Just him, really. And no, he’s got no idea I’m a cop.

Look, Vanessa, believe me, it’s real simple. I know it’s not easy, but it is real simple. There’s a clear line between cops and criminals. You chose to be on this side, that was your choice, your call. Nobody chased you. You think I give a damn about your past? That’s going to make you a good cop, maybe a great cop. One day, but if Luis shows up at that buy tomorrow, we’re going to arrest him. It’s real simple.


If he's home, talk to him. If he's not, we do a sneak-and-peak off the books. We were never there. Unless we find something. Then we'll do some creative writing.


Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
