This is what happens when they let bitches have badges.


Is your head really this far up your ass?

Krendler [to Herman]

If we don't tie [Hagen] directly, he is flying off to a private island somewhere.


I had a cousin who painted like this between storytime and naptime.


Catherine: They're not the only ones who can play games, Mom.
Ruth: That's true.
Catherine: I can take the hit but you need to hit back harder.

Clarice: I feel stupid and helpless and it's stickin' in my craw.
Dr. Li: You don't do well with helpless.
Clarice: No, ma'am.

Clarice: I'm sorry you and Erin got caught up in all this.
Julia: That's the funny thing about the truth. Once you know it, you can't unknow it.

Who is this girl [Julia]? Nancy Drew?


Garrett: Does conspicuous support count as retaliation?
Ardelia: No. It counts as a preamble to a whole lotta hell.

Ruth: I wish that Starling would just do what she was told.
Krendler: She didn't save Catherine's life the first time by being obedient. You knew that. I did.

Ruth: You went behind my back.
Krendler: This is deep, Ruth, and it's mean. And Starling was right about it from Day 1.

Herman: You are an asset, Ardelia, and we are a team.
Ardelia: Of course. Thank you.

Clarice Season 1 Quotes

Therapist: You were a survivor.
Clarice: To be a survivor, you have to be a victim. I was just doing my job.

I thought it was done.
