Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Blatt: We have a new initiative called Hugs, Not Hits. It's like D.A.R.E., except it actually works.
Roger: So your solution is to hug kids? 
Blatt: Actually, they would hug each other.

Sam: I thought we were the good guys.
Daniel: We are. At least we try to be. That's what's most important.

Hey, buddy. Sorry I haven't been here. Your mom hasn't wanted me around. Can't blame her. I thought I was helping you. You were learning so fast, getting so strong, but I failed you. I'm so sorry. I don't know if you can hear me kid, but I know you got it in you to pull through. You just gotta keep fighting. Never give up. You can do this. I know you can.


You know, it's a shame what happened at the school. Such a tragedy. But I don't really blame Robby. 'Cus you know what they say, there's no such thing as a bad student. It must really hurt to see the Miyagi name dragged through the dirt like that. Wish I could see the little bastard's face.


The whole reason these kids suffered is because of us. We can't let them suffer because of our issues. The only way to end this is by working together. So what do you say? 


Cobra Kai Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!